(330) 473-5263

Our Services

At Clear Drain Cleaning, we pride ourselves in providing quality drain cleaning, sewer and septic tank services to the communities we serve.

What We Do

We know that problems with your drains and sewers are not only inconvenient, but can pose a serious health hazard to you, your family and your community. That’s why the drain, septic and sewer professionals at Clear Drain Cleaning will do everything in our power to make sure you are a satisfied Clear Drain Cleaning customer for life!

Electric Sewer and Drain Cleaning

Electric drain cleaning uses a steel cable with various attachments. The cable is fed into a cleanout or access point in a drainage system. The attachment spins at high RPMs to cut or break up any blockage in the sewer or drain line.

Hydro Jetting

Whenever possible, we prefer hydro jetting for drain cleaning. With multiple jet nozzles, we can clean the entire drainage pipe. Hydro jetting is perfect for soft blockages, grit, grease, and calcium deposits. Our jetter puts out a high gallon-per-minute water flow rate at high pressure to make short work of organic blockages, like grease and sludge.

Recordable Color Camera Inspection

We use the latest technologies to visually inspect your sewer connection from end-to-end. This helps us determine the best way to open your sewer line and quickly diagnosis the problem. Our inspections can also help minimize the amount of digging that needs to be done when line replacement is needed. We can also show you that your line is free and clear before we leave your home or business.

Root Removal

We offer root removal services for sewer lines that have been damaged by tree roots. Root killing chemicals can stop existing roots from growing, but they don’t remove the roots from your drains and sewer lines. Clear Drain Cleaning specializes in root removal. Invading tree roots that might otherwise clog your sewer lines don’t stand a chance against us.


In a restaurant, lots of grease and food scraps end up going down the drain, even when employees are trained on proper waste disposal methods. The grease and oil that make it down the restaurant drain may become a big problem later on. We can safely, quickly and completely clear accumulated grease from residential and commercial drains.

Septic Tank Maintenance

Septic system maintenance isn’t just a good idea; in most jurisdictions, it’s the law. Regular septic maintenance is the best way to ensure that your septic system does what it’s supposed to do safely. Septic maintenance isn’t usually a do-it-yourself project. Don’t hesitate to give us a call to inspect, clean and maintain your tank.

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Emergency Service Available

2680 CR 168,
Millersburg, OH 44624